
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Multiple Intelligence Results

This week Room 22 have been learning about the Multiple Intelligences.  Ms T showed us a site that showed us what weaknesses and strengths we have.  My main strengths are: Music smart, people smart and body smart. My weaknessess are Nature and picture smart, word smart, number smart and Myself smart, those are the main things I will be working on.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Two weeks ago we were invited to take a few lesson’s of badminton. The instructor that was teaching us came from the Auckland Badminton Club. Our instruction’s we were given were to grab one of the racket and made a circle around the hall.

The first lesson we were going to do for the day was to control the movement of the shuttle.

Once we made a circle around the bin we all grabbed five shuttles each and went back to our circle. Laureen our instructor told us to try and hit every shuttle in to the bin. “Yes” screamed people whacking shuttles in to the bin. We only scored one point but on the second game we scored six points and won. The second lesson we learnt was some tricks with our racket.

Our third lesson was for two people in a group so we all paired up. Once we had our groups one of the people in your groups has to grab a cone and the other has to grab a shuttle and a racket. The person that has the racket has to hit the shuttle in the air and the person with the cone has to catch it and make the shuttle land in the cone.

Our forth activity we done was to have a game with our partners in our groups. We had to try and have a game with out making the shuttle hit the ground. “dam” playing badminton was pretty hard but we tried our best.

I really had fun. I really cant wait to have another try at badminton.