
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The last week of the term

“Yess” as i whispered to myself “Its almost the production and also the end of the term”

past this week students from class 19 to 22 have been gathering in room 22 to finish off the last parts of there costumes. Me and a few of my class mates have been sent to Mrs Nua’s class so that we don’t distract or disturb the dancers for the production. For 3 days from Tuesday Point England School has been putting on a production to entertain people in the community.

In Mrs Nua’s class our instruction was to do a blog post about the recent teams that have been playing in the rugby world cup games or about rugby players. I wrote about the magnificent player Jonah Lomu and all the games he has played. I’ve found out that Jonah Lomu is one of the most successful players ever in the world.

Tonight the first production will be at Point England School in the hall. I couldn’t wait until the production was going to start. This week is the last for the term our school. I am so excited to wait for the holidays.

This term I really felt disapointed in myself because I have’nt been doing good in my work. But I feel proud because of my behavior around the school. Next term i’m hoping to make that term perfect for myself.

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